
Showing posts from April, 2020

How To Create Sitemap Page On Blogger

Create XML Site Map: Step 1: Login to your blogger blog and select the page and click on Add New to create a new page. Step 2: Click on Pages from the left sidebar then Click New Page. Step 3: Now type the page title 'Sitemap' and switch your page to HTML editor mode. Step 4: Delete whatever is inside the HTML view, then copy and paste the code given below in new Sitemap page. Step 5: Publish. STYLE-1 <script type="text/javascript"> var postTitle = new Array(); var postUrl = new Array(); var postPublished = new Array(); var postDate = new Array(); var postLabels = new Array(); var postRecent = new Array(); var sortBy = "titleasc"; var numberfeed = 0; function bloggersitemap(a) { function b() { if ("entry" in a.feed) { var d = a.feed.entry.length; numberfeed = d; ii = 0; for (var h = 0; h < d; h++) { var n = a.feed.entry[h];